Author: jeremywilliamsbodybuilding
About Jeremy Williams
Jeremy Williams is a public speaker and educator in the field of nutrition, training, and competition preparation for physique type contests as well as a variety of other athletic specialties. Jeremy shares unique perceptions based on knowledge and experience he has gained from a variety of platforms. His passion for bodybuilding at the age of 8 led him to begin as a dedicated competitive bodybuilder by the time he was 12. Over the years he studied the success traits and principles of those who have mastered the ability to take control of their physique. Jeremy has assumed many rolls in the realm of bodybuilding, from a competitor, to coach, judge, and promoter of the N.P.C WA State bodybuilding, Figure, Physique, Championship. Following high school this passion for fitness led him toward the study of nutrition. Jeremy’s compassion and desire to truly help others, directed him toward becoming and EMT and Firefighter. It was here in the world of emergency medicine, a new passion developed. Jeremy became a Paramedic and then onto an Anesthesia Technician at the University of Washington Medical Center & then Seattle Children’s Hospital.
“I have had the unique privilege to be a part of many peoples: best, worst and unfortunately last day on earth. I have had the opportunity to work on a medical team of some of the most brilliant medical professionals conducting a vast amount of medical research and development at a large prestigious medical center. This has given me a very unique filter that I now am able to look through and provide something very unique. My passion now lies in sharing with others how to prolong the ” quantity of quality life” though effectively managing your own health and fitness with intelligent lifestyle choices that impact all of us in varying degrees. I believe that most people have a good idea of what they should be doing but they just are not doing it. The true key and “secrete to success” is balance and constancy of the basics that most people truly already know. I provide information to back up what you already know, until you have enough leverage within yourself, to just do it. Believe in yourself, strive for consistency with balance and don’t get discouraged to the point of quitting. From my experience, statistically speaking, many are likely to have a bad day and fall off course. It happens to the most everyone. Champions recognize it and pull themselves back on course and don’t quite! Learn from your downfalls as this is where you gain true wisdom and strength.”
Jeremy Williams
- Bodybuilding Competitor Since 1990.
- Competed in over 75 bodybuilding Competitions Starting in 1990 at age 12
- N.P.C WA Ironman lt-Heavy & Overall Champion
- Evergreen State Heavyweight Champion
- ABA Drug Free Free World Championship, Teen Champion
- NPC Teen National Runner-up
- NW Junior Champion
- Best Poser Awards
- Many other Competitions
- Contest prep coach to professional & amateur athletes
- National Physique Committee Judge (N.P.C)
- Event Promoter-Williams Productions
- Promoter – WA State Health Fitness Beauty EXPO.
- Event Promoter – N.P.C WA State Open Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure, Bikini, Physique, Championship National Qualifier (N.P.C) since 2003.
- Speaker/demonstrator at various seminars & workshops.
- Paramedic
- Anesthesia Technician
- Many certifications in the area of emergency medicine & healthcare.
- Owner/Publisher NW Fitness Magazine.
- Creator/Owner Altered Image Supplements.
Certifications .
- PARAMEDIC. NREMTP. National Registry Emergency Medical Technicians. (N.R.E.M.T)
- Emergency Medical Technician. EMT-B National Registry Emergency Medical Technicians. (N.R.E.M.T)
- Certified Anesthesia Technician. American Society of Anesthesia Technologists & Technicians (A.S.A.T.T).
- Medical Assistant Phlebotomist Certification, Washington State Department of Health
- Health Care Assistant Certification, Washington State Department of Health
- University of Washington Medical Center C.P.R instructor
- University of Washington Distinguished Staff Award Nominee.
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). American Heart Association
- American Heart Association (AHA) Health Care Provider CPR/BLS.
- First Aid & CPR INSTRUCTOR. American Heart Association
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS).
- Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS).
- Geriatric Certification (GEMS).
- 12 Lead EKG Certification.
- Hazardous Materials Operations and Awareness Certification.
- EVAP Cert.
- National Physique Committee (N.P.C) Judge & Event promoter.
- Fire Dist #44 Fire Academy
Jeremy Williams is available for seminars, demonstrations, & workshops.
Contact / social media / sites / blogs / newsletters
Williams Productions Promoter
Jeremy Williams
NW Fitness Magazine Publisher
Jeremy Williams
Social Media
NW Fitness Magazine Facebook page
NW Fitness Magazine Facebook group (public)
NW Fitness Magazine Facebook group (private group for team members)
Wa State Fitness Expo Facebook page
Wa State Fitness Expo Facebook event calendar page
Vendor Events Expos Tradeshows Fairs Festivals Facebook group
NPC WA State Open Facebook page
NPC WA State Open Group
NPC WA State Open Facebook event calendar page
NW Fit Club Page
NW Fit Club Group
Contest prep seminar / posing workshop Facebook event calendar page
Altered Image Supplements
Web sites with: info request emails, blog subscriptions, newsletters subscriptions, RSS feeds
About us
Hi, My name is Jeremy Williams.
I am part of a resilient rogue group of men and women who are determined to make impressive transformations to our bodies appearance and overall health and fitness.
It is imperative to our survival that we get fit. Therefore, we call ourselves the S.O.F League (Survival Of the Fittest): And we are the S.O.F League Lions.
It is our responsibility to manage our own health and fitness. Nobody is coming to help you until it is too late.
Quarantine has tested our ability to be relentless in pursuit of our goals. Many of us have been forced off the grid and have been training underground. We are training in home gyms, garages, living, rooms, bedrooms, parks, and backyards. We are resourceful and have found ways to exercise in home gyms with just body weight or exercise bands or homemade workout equipment.
We are essential workers, we are public service employees, we are contributing members of society. We are firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, police officers, Corrections officers, doctors, nurses, medical personnel, teachers, grocery store employees, warehouse workers, construction workers, we deliver your mail and your products, we are business professionals, business owners, and business owners that were forced to close our businesses. We are moms and dad’s husbands and wives, family men and women.
Many of us were in great shape in our youth and as our lives progressed and our focus shifted to various training and education, families, careers, bills, new responsibilities and commitments: many of us lost focus and commitment to our own bodies, and our personal health and fitness. In our earlier years many of us were athletes, we are in great shape and now at times we feel like caged lions trapped in mom or dad bods. For many of us the most exercise we get is wandering around at work, and counting steps on some piece of fancy technology that we use to pat ourselves on the back and justify that as a workout. And we wonder why our metabolism has crashed and we have gotten fat, out of shape and lost our drive. The system reassures the sensitive ones by telling us that this is just a natural part of the aging process.
Im sorry, but Fu#! that!
We are pissed off, we let ourselves get here: we have become sick lame and lazy, we have reached our limit, we are fed up, we are sick and tired of being sick and tired.We have decided it’s time to uncage the lion within, and lock the door behind us.
Because we have careers, families, and responsibilities: we have to be more efficient and more effective than ever before. Not only do we need a plan, but we need a plan that has back ups, and back ups for the back ups. We need options to adapt to the unpredictable variables of our individual and unique lives. We need tools in our tool kits to use when we miss a meal miss, don’t feel like working out, miss a workout or have a birthday party, or get called into work unexpectedly or have to stay late after work
At a time when large corporations and institutions thrive on society’s desire for convenience, the majority is becoming more sedentary, lazy and fueled by nutrients sparse foods of convenience that are loaded with chemicals and preservatives.
We are committed to stand against this for ourselves, for our children, for family and friends. We must lead by example and improve the quantity of quality life for ourselves and for the ones we love. We believe that this transformation in ourselves will not only change our lives but the lives of those around us as we enjoy the journey and pass along what we have learned to enhance the quality of the lives of others. And in our own way, we believe that this will make the word a better place. If this sounds crazy, grandiose or a bit narcissistic to you: don’t feel bad, we are not for everybody, we are not the majority. But remember as Steve Jobs once said “ The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do”.
We must thrive, we must live with passion. Survival Of the Fittest.
“You are just one transformation away”
I am a S.O.F League Lion.
- I do what I need to do even when I don’t feel like doing it.
- I know that anything worth having is worth working hard for
- I seek to challenge myself
- I step out of my comfort zone
- I am comfortable being uncomfortable
- I accept no excuses only results
- I know that nothing tastes as good as looking good feels
- I stay ready so I don’t have to get ready
- I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when Im done
- I know that I will win if I don’t quit
- I know that it is not over until I win
- I reset, re-adjust, restart as many times as I need to, I just don’t quit
- I believe that greatness cannot be achieved without obsession
- I believe that anything in life worth doing, is worth overdoing, moderation is for cowards
- I am a victor not a victim
- I am a leader not a follower
- I value the journey as much as the destination
- I radiate positive energy
- I live with passion
Be a wolf! Be a lion! Take no shit! Set goals, Smash them! Be a better person! Show people who you are! Never apologize for being awesome! Stay the Course!!
It’s Go Time! Get On Point!
Go hard! Good Luck!
We are the SOF League Lions and these are our stories….
Maybe you can relate……I used to be in such great shape. I had a lean muscular body that was strong and full of energy….. Somewhere I lost myself with all the struggles of life. I got side tracked responding to various things and I guess somewhere I just lost focus on my own fitness level and became accustomed to this so-called “Dad Bod”.
The crazy thing is that a large portion of my life was spent as a bodybuilder and I was very competitive at a really young age for bodybuilding competitions. (With my 1st competition at age 12, by the time I was 18 I had placed 2nd at the N.P.C National Championship and placed 1st at the ABA Word Championship. How did I go from such a great shape to such a horrible shape? I guess I got a little burned out on it all. I stopped doing the things I knew I should be doing. I stopped doing what works. I didn’t get out of shape due to lack of lack of knowledge; because what worked back then still works today.
I’m not quite sure what changed recently for me; because over the years I have made many attempts to get back in shape and failed to see it through. Maybe this is my version of a midlife crisis but something snapped for me: and with the same certainty I once had and lost, I decided to GET ON POINT!! Utilizing the tricks that bodybuilders have been using for years use to make drastic transformations in their bodies in short periods of time. This time it stuck and once again I am hooked and addicted again. I have made remarkable changes so far and I am just getting started. I intend to get back on stage and compete as soon as I am confident that I will be in the best condition of my life and beat my personal best.
The Awesome thing about my personal transformation is this has not just been a personal journey for myself. I have been able to create daily memories spending quality time working out with my daughters in the garage and prepping healthy meals with them. I connected and started this transformation with some old friends of mine and we motivate, inspire and encourage each other. My mom and dad have also been “Getting On Point”, and my mom stops by to exercise as well.
Being able to motivate and help my family and friends get in shape and enjoy the process has brought me the most joy. It’s these connections that feel amazing to me. And this is the reason for this Book “Get On Point”. I wanted a way to reach out and share what has worked for me, my bodybuilding community, my family, and my friends.
I kept this book simple. Rather than creating hundreds of pages for you to read before you get started. I wanted to make it as quick and easy as possible for you to get started and GET ON POINT right away.
so……. There is only a short read at the beginning of the book and the rest is an eight week step by step program, and an accountability journal for both your diet and training. Your success relies on action, you must take action and that’s what this book is for.
“You’re just one transformation away”…….
- From the best shape of your life
- From the healthiest body of your life
- From the strongest body of your life
- From the most energy of your life
- From being the best version of you
- From living the dream, and sharing it with the ones you love.
You owe it to yourself, you owe it to your family.
It’s go time! Get On Point
Paperback Book – Get On Point – 8 Week Total Body Transformation Program
The Step by Step Fitness Transformation Guide, for creating drastic changes to your body in record time while exercising at home or in a gym.
“GET ON POINT contains the principles that I used to make a rapid transformation in my body at 43 years of age; while exercising in my garage with my two daughters; working 12 hour shifts in a hospital and managing a side business.
If I can GET ON POINT again, so can YOU.”
Each week and day of this program is strategically designed to stress multiple body systems in a variety of pathways, in a very organized and specific sequence. Resulting in continued adaptations and progress in response to the stresses applied. This program starts out with easy tasks, along with weekly adjustments that should also be very easy to accomplish. Over time these small changes and successful accomplishments translate to large changes in overall progress. GET ON POINT contains: A Diet and exercise program with adjustment guidelines, nutrition journal, training log, progress assessment and goal setting journal.
GET ON POINT is not a diet fad book.
GET ON POINT is not the latest workout craze.
GET ON POINT is an effective step by step program with nutrition and training guidelines that have been effectively used by bodybuilders to create drastic fat loss and muscular gains in a short period of time.
“Maybe you can relate……I used to be in such great shape. I had a lean muscular body that was strong and full of energy….. Somewhere I lost myself with all the struggles of life. I got side tracked responding to various things and I guess somewhere I just lost focus on my own fitness level and became accustomed and content with this so-called “Dad Bod”.
Something snapped and I decided to GET ON POINT. Having spent a large portion of my life as a competitive bodybuilder; I jumped right back to the principles that have always worked for myself and other competitors I coached. GET ON POINT is the program and principles I used to transform this 43 year old dad bod back into a rad bod; And you can too!” – JEREMY WILLIAMS –
Author Jeremy Williams
If you don’t have access to a gym or exercise equipment at your house, don’t worry. You can utilize the guidelines from my book “Get On Point”, and workout at home with these exercise bands. I will provide you with a workout program for the bands with an exercise demonstration library.
Personal Remote Fitness Coach:
“Get On Point”
8 Week Transformation Challenge Program Coaching
Your personal remote coach, Jeremy Williams.
- Proven results
- Optimize Accountability
- Overcome expected and unexpected obstacles of a busy life.
- Men and women
- Beginner, intermediate, advanced
- Build muscle
- Burn fa
What You’re Gonna Get…
- 8 week customized meal plan to suit your goals and dietary requirements (with weekly personalized adjustments)
- 8 week customizable exercise program to fit your needs/abilities and designed for fast results (with weekly personalized adjustments)
- Gym/Home Workouts
- Supplement guide
- “Set Yourself Up For Success” Training Video and PDF Outline Download
- 8 week program membership – Online training module access
- Step by step photo instructions for every workout
- Video demonstration of every workout
- Personal Assessment / Evaluation
- Weekly Check-ins / Accountability / progress report / adjustments via email, phone, or video chat
- Weekly email updates
- Private Facebook support group access
- Overcoming Obstacles Masterclass Training Video
- 1 on 1 messaging with me (text / email /phone support)
- Weekly group video check in
- One time payment of $197 for the entire 8 weeks
How to Join.
- Step 1 Purchase program via and you will receive a questionnaire shortly after.
- Step 2 Reply to the questionnaire so I can personalize your plan
- Step 3 You will receive your customized plan within 3 days
I like to start off the beginning of my Transformation with the
Phase One Kit – Cleanse, Detox, Probiotic, Digestive Enzymes, Chlorella, and Protein Powders by Altered Image Supplements.
This Phase 1 Kit (cleanse / detox plus) Includes the following 7 Products:
- AIS Max Detox – Açaí Berry Complex – Healthy Colon Function – Boosts Immune Response – Anti Aging Properties
- AIS Colon Sweep -Promotes healthy colon, helps reduce toxins, promotes regularity
- AIS Chlorella, Immune system booster, detoxifying agent, helps with fatigue
- AIS Probiotic 40, 40 Billion CFU’s per 2 caps, Supports digestive system, maintain strong immunity
- AIS Digestive Enzyme-Improves Digestive Health-Supports Healthy Digestion-Enhance Nutrition Absorption
- Gourmet Blend (Chocolate) – Protein Powder Blend – 2 Pounds – Promotes Lean Muscle & Strength – Supports Recovery – Mixes & Tastes Great
- Gourmet Blend (Vanilla) – Protein Powder Blend – 2 Pounds – Promotes Lean Muscle & Strength – Supports Recovery – Mixes & Tastes Great
Products / Services
Get On Point. Your Just One Transformation Away…
Free Webinar – 2020 New Years Resolution – Three Month Total Body Transformation Challenge
Total Body Transformation Guide For The Busy Person On The Go.
- Register now
- Reserve your spot
- Jump start your total body transformation with an effective action plan
- Nutrition – Diet
- Cooking – Meal Prep – Recipes
- Exercise – Resistance Training – Weight Training – Cardio
- Supplements
FREE Contest Prep Webinar for Beginners in the NW
Bodybuilding – Figure – Fitness – Bikini – Physique Classic Physique – Wellness
Fill out this form to Register for the Free Sat 9:00 am, Jan 4th 2020, Contest Prep Webinar.
FREE NW Contest Prep Webinar for Beginners
Contest Prep seminar (An overview of the elements of contest preparation). Outlining the various aspects of competing in a: Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Physique, Classic Physique, Wellness Competition. A deeper look into what it takes to do well at competition.
This seminar will give you knowledge, insight and a new perspective on many elements relevant to physique type competition preparation.
- DATE / Time / Location: Register through the form and you will be emailed a link to view the Webinar on Sat Dec 4th 9:00 am.
- What are all the elements of contest preparation?
- What class should you do?
- What resources are available to me?
- What are the various contacts and experts in the NW that can assist me and the differences?
- events / promoters
- trainers
- diet / nutrition
- posing
- judging
- contest prep coaches
- suits
- contest tanning
- photography
- sponsorship’s
- teams
- hair
- make/up
- What are the various expenses involved with competing?
- How much time do I need?
- Exercise program design & monitor
- Posing, elements of competing, hiding weakness, showcase strengths
- Peaking for the show….final weeks, final week, final days, the day of competition, (diet, training program)
- Optimal: 4-5 mo pre-contest, & 1-2 mo post contest diet coaching. No less than 3 months unless we talk about it and approved. No discounts for less prep time, its actually more work on both of our parts.Learn skills and various tools to properly assess and make an unbiased self-evaluation of the changes you will need to make in your physique to be contest ready.
- Manage your offseason diet and training with the purpose of optimizing organ functions, hormone balances and in turn muscular gains and fat loss.
- Set yourself up for a successful pre-contest diet that empowers you with the knowledge and ability to effectively manage sticking points. Learn multiple interventions to break through these sticking points.
- What should you be doing 6 weeks out? 3, 2 & 1 week out, as well as the day of the show.
- Learn what you should be doing those last days of contest prep in terms of diet, training, and hydration.
- Following the contest, you should be able to properly assess many metabolic functions and have a systematic plan to restore any imbalances and deficiencies.
- Design weight training & cardiovascular training programs to coincide with various phases of your diet.
- Posing tips and guidance
- Learn how to peak right every time without the use of diuretics and dramatic fluid shifts, drastic and unsafe, electrolyte imbalances.
- Take the guesswork out of “Carb loading”
Get On Point – 8 Week total body trasformation program – Book
A balanced approach to transforming your body & maintaining new levels of HEALTH, FITNESS & ENERGY
264 Page Book. Print or digital.
- J.W Titrate to effect diet and training principles
- J.W Simple start – 3 & 3 Diet
- J.W Easy to follow – 3 & 3 Exercise program
- J.W Nutrition journal, training log, assessment report
- 3 x 3 Training
BY Jeremy Williams
Promoter – Judge – Coach – Competitor – Paramedic – Anesthesia Technician
Williams Productions – NW Fitness Magazine – Altered Image Supplements
Each week and day of this program is strategically designed to stress multiple body systems in a variety of pathways in a very organized and specific sequence. Resulting in continued adaptations and progress in response to the stresses applied. This program starts out with very easily manageable tasks, along with weekly adjustments that should also be very easily accomplished. Over time these small changes and successful accomplishments translate to large changes and overall progress.
Order the printed paperback, which includes journals, logs and progress reports for you to write in and develop success habits and Get On Point.
Don’t wait for your printed copy to show up to start your transformation. View and download the digital ebook as well and Get on Point now.
Digital eBook – GET ON POINT – 8 WEEK TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM – 264-page Digital book (ebook version) – A balanced approach to transforming your body & maintaining new levels of HEALTH, FITNESS & ENERGY. By Jeremy Williams – $14.99
Paperback book – GET ON POINT – 8 WEEK TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM – 264-page Paperback book – A balanced approach to transforming your body & maintaining new levels of HEALTH, FITNESS & ENERGY. By Jeremy Williams $29.99
Discounts for prepayment on multiple month coaching packages as follows:
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 2 months $ 389.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 3 months $ 569.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 6 months $ 1,099.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 12 months $ 1,999.00
Contest Prep seminar (An overview of the elements of contest preparation) Includes posing class practice. outlining the various aspects of competing in a: Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Physique, Classic Physique competition. A deeper look into what it takes to do well at competition $49.99 Click Here to REGISTER NOW
This seminar will give you knowledge, insight and a new perspective on many elements relevant to physique type competition preparation. It is my intention that with this newly gained wisdom, you will have a broader-based understanding with more depth to better manage your bodies in a safe predictable manner.
- DATE / Time / Location: Check registration page for the list of upcoming dates, time & locations. Click here to view registration page.
- What are all the elements of contest preparation?
- What class should you do?
- What resources are available to me?
- What are the various contacts and experts in the NW that can assist me and the differences?
- events / promoters
- trainers
- diet / nutrition
- posing
- judging
- contest prep coaches
- suits
- contest tanning
- photography
- sponsorships
- teams
- hair
- make/up
- What are the various expenses involved with competing?
- How much time do I need?
- Exercise program design & monitor
- Posing, elements of competing, hiding weakness, showcase strengths
- Peaking for the show….final weeks, final week, final days, the day of competition, (diet, training program)
- Optimal: 4-5 mo pre-contest, & 1-2 mo post contest diet coaching. No less than 3 months unless we talk about it and approved. No discounts for less prep time, its actually more work on both of our parts.Learn skills and various tools to properly assess and make an unbiased self-evaluation of the changes you will need to make in your physique to be contest ready.
- Manage your offseason diet and training with the purpose of optimizing organ functions, hormone balances and in turn muscular gains and fat loss.
- Set yourself up for a successful pre-contest diet that empowers you with the knowledge and ability to effectively manage sticking points. Learn multiple interventions to break through these sticking points.
- What should you be doing 6 weeks out? 3, 2 & 1 week out, as well as the day of the show.
- Learn what you should be doing those last days of contest prep in terms of diet, training, and hydration.
- Following the contest, you should be able to properly assess many metabolic functions and have a systematic plan to restore any imbalances and deficiencies.
- Design weight training & cardiovascular training programs to coincide with various phases of your diet.
- Posing tips and guidance
- Learn how to peak right every time without the use of diuretics and dramatic fluid shifts, drastic and unsafe, electrolyte imbalances.
- Take the guesswork out of “Carb loading”
$49.99 Click Here to REGISTER NOW
Open posing class/practice: $25 DATE / Time / Location: Check registration page for the list of upcoming dates, time & locations. Click here to view registration page.
Total Body Transformation Kit- Phase One – Protein and Detox/Cleanse Kit – Plus free bonus items: – Altered Image Supplements – (Kit includes: 2lbs Chocolate Protein Powder, 2 lbs Vanilla Protein Powder, Max Detox,Coolon Sweep, Chlorella, Thermo-Alert, Printed and digital copy of the book “Get On Point”, 12 issue digital subscription to NW Fitness Magazine, One single printed issue of NW Fitness Magazine. $ 150.00
Digital eBook – Contest Prep Success Guide – eBook digital download. $ 1.99
Paperback Book – Contest Prep Success Guide – eBook digital download. $ 9.99
Gourmet Blend Protein Powder – 2-pound bag. By Altered Image Supplements Promotes lean muscle & strength Supports recovery Mixes well & Tastes great Flavor options (chocolate or vanilla ) $ 39.99
Thermo-Alert By Altered Image Supplements Thermogenic fat burner for boosting energy levels, raising your metabolism $ 29.99
Stamina-Elite By Altered Image Supplements Train harder, longer, more focused, and recover faster. $ 29.99
NW Fit Club – Join Free -Subscribe to receive articles, tips, reminders, and videos, via email from Jeremy Williams: Health, fitness, nutrition, meal prep, cooking, training, motivation, and success principles. 0.00
Contest Prep Success Guide
- Northwest competitor preparation resource guidebook for
- Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Physique, & Classic Physique
- Competitions in the Northwest
- DO YOU WANT TO COMPETE BUT DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START?Get the info and resources you need or the find out where to get it.
- Resource directory listing links
- Event schedules & links
- Checklists
- Tricks
- Tips
- and much more..
JEREMY WILLIAMS, Promoter, Judge, Coach, Competitor, Publisher. Williams Productions NW Fitness Magazine
Available in: Printed Paperback Book & Digital eBook
Digital eBook – Contest Prep Success Guide – eBook digital download. $ 1.99
Paperback Book – Contest Prep Success Guide – eBook digital download. $ 9.99
Digital eBook – GET ON POINT – 8 WEEK TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM – 264-page Digital book (ebook version) – A balanced approach to transforming your body & maintaining new levels of HEALTH, FITNESS & ENERGY. By Jeremy Williams – $14.99
Paperback book – GET ON POINT – 8 WEEK TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM – 264-page Paperback book – A balanced approach to transforming your body & maintaining new levels of HEALTH, FITNESS & ENERGY. By Jeremy Williams $29.99
Discounts for prepayment on multiple month coaching packages as follows:
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 2 months $ 389.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 3 months $ 569.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 6 months $ 1,099.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 12 months $ 1,999.00
Contest Prep seminar (An overview of the elements of contest preparation) Includes posing class practice. outlining the various aspects of competing in a: Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Physique, Classic Physique competition. A deeper look into what it takes to do well at competition $49.99 Click Here to REGISTER NOW
This seminar will give you knowledge, insight and a new perspective on many elements relevant to physique type competition preparation. It is my intention that with this newly gained wisdom, you will have a broader-based understanding with more depth to better manage your bodies in a safe predictable manner.
- DATE / Time / Location: Check registration page for the list of upcoming dates, time & locations. Click here to view registration page.
- What are all the elements of contest preparation?
- What class should you do?
- What resources are available to me?
- What are the various contacts and experts in the NW that can assist me and the differences?
- events / promoters
- trainers
- diet / nutrition
- posing
- judging
- contest prep coaches
- suits
- contest tanning
- photography
- sponsorships
- teams
- hair
- make/up
- What are the various expenses involved with competing?
- How much time do I need?
- Exercise program design & monitor
- Posing, elements of competing, hiding weakness, showcase strengths
- Peaking for the show….final weeks, final week, final days, the day of competition, (diet, training program)
- Optimal: 4-5 mo pre-contest, & 1-2 mo post contest diet coaching. No less than 3 months unless we talk about it and approved. No discounts for less prep time, its actually more work on both of our parts.Learn skills and various tools to properly assess and make an unbiased self-evaluation of the changes you will need to make in your physique to be contest ready.
- Manage your offseason diet and training with the purpose of optimizing organ functions, hormone balances and in turn muscular gains and fat loss.
- Set yourself up for a successful pre-contest diet that empowers you with the knowledge and ability to effectively manage sticking points. Learn multiple interventions to break through these sticking points.
- What should you be doing 6 weeks out? 3, 2 & 1 week out, as well as the day of the show.
- Learn what you should be doing those last days of contest prep in terms of diet, training, and hydration.
- Following the contest, you should be able to properly assess many metabolic functions and have a systematic plan to restore any imbalances and deficiencies.
- Design weight training & cardiovascular training programs to coincide with various phases of your diet.
- Posing tips and guidance
- Learn how to peak right every time without the use of diuretics and dramatic fluid shifts, drastic and unsafe, electrolyte imbalances.
- Take the guesswork out of “Carb loading”
$49.99 Click Here to REGISTER NOW
Open posing class/practice: $25 DATE / Time / Location: Check registration page for the list of upcoming dates, time & locations. Click here to view registration page.
Total Body Transformation Kit- Phase One – Protein and Detox/Cleanse Kit – Plus free bonus items: – Altered Image Supplements – (Kit includes: 2lbs Chocolate Protein Powder, 2 lbs Vanilla Protein Powder, Max Detox,Coolon Sweep, Chlorella, Thermo-Alert, Printed and digital copy of the book “Get On Point”, 12 issue digital subscription to NW Fitness Magazine, One single printed issue of NW Fitness Magazine. $ 150.00
Gourmet Blend Protein Powder – 2-pound bag. By Altered Image Supplements Promotes lean muscle & strength Supports recovery Mixes well & Tastes great Flavor options (chocolate or vanilla ) $ 39.99
Thermo-Alert By Altered Image Supplements Thermogenic fat burner for boosting energy levels, raising your metabolism $ 29.99
Stamina-Elite By Altered Image Supplements Train harder, longer, more focused, and recover faster. $ 29.99
NW Fit Club – Join Free -Subscribe to receive articles, tips, reminders, and videos, via email from Jeremy Williams: Health, fitness, nutrition, meal prep, cooking, training, motivation, and success principles. 0.00
Contest Prep Seminar – Facebook event page
NW Fit Club added an event.
Contest Prep Seminar/Workshop Presented by Jeremy Williams
4-hour Contest Prep seminar 12:00 – 4 pm (An overview of the elements of contest preparation) Seminar outlining the various aspects of competing in a: Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Physique, Classic Physique competition. A deeper look into what it takes to do well at competition $49.99 Click Here to REGISTER NOW This seminar will give you knowledge, insight and a new perspective on many elements relevant to …
Facebook page
NW Fit Club – Facebook Page –
Fitness Coaching & Contest Prep Coaching by Jeremy Williams
Stay motivated and up to date with fitness tips by liking the facebook page. Click here…