A balanced approach to transforming your body & maintaining new levels of HEALTH, FITNESS & ENERGY
264 Page Book. Print or digital.
- J.W Titrate to effect diet and training principles
- J.W Simple start – 3 & 3 Diet
- J.W Easy to follow – 3 & 3 Exercise program
- J.W Nutrition journal, training log, assessment report
- 3 x 3 Training
BY Jeremy Williams
Promoter – Judge – Coach – Competitor – Paramedic – Anesthesia Technician
Williams Productions – NW Fitness Magazine – Altered Image Supplements
Each week and day of this program is strategically designed to stress multiple body systems in a variety of pathways in a very organized and specific sequence. Resulting in continued adaptations and progress in response to the stresses applied. This program starts out with very easily manageable tasks, along with weekly adjustments that should also be very easily accomplished. Over time these small changes and successful accomplishments translate to large changes and overall progress.
Order the printed paperback, which includes journals, logs and progress reports for you to write in and develop success habits and Get On Point.
Don’t wait for your printed copy to show up to start your transformation. View and download the digital ebook as well and Get on Point now.
Digital eBook – GET ON POINT – 8 WEEK TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM – 264-page Digital book (ebook version) – A balanced approach to transforming your body & maintaining new levels of HEALTH, FITNESS & ENERGY. By Jeremy Williams – $14.99
Paperback book – GET ON POINT – 8 WEEK TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM – 264-page Paperback book – A balanced approach to transforming your body & maintaining new levels of HEALTH, FITNESS & ENERGY. By Jeremy Williams $29.99
Discounts for prepayment on multiple month coaching packages as follows:
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 2 months $ 389.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 3 months $ 569.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 6 months $ 1,099.00
- Contest Prep Coach. In person and or remote coaching, via phone and email. 12 months $ 1,999.00
Contest Prep seminar (An overview of the elements of contest preparation) Includes posing class practice. outlining the various aspects of competing in a: Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Physique, Classic Physique competition. A deeper look into what it takes to do well at competition $49.99 Click Here to REGISTER NOW
This seminar will give you knowledge, insight and a new perspective on many elements relevant to physique type competition preparation. It is my intention that with this newly gained wisdom, you will have a broader-based understanding with more depth to better manage your bodies in a safe predictable manner.
- DATE / Time / Location: Check registration page for the list of upcoming dates, time & locations. Click here to view registration page.
- What are all the elements of contest preparation?
- What class should you do?
- What resources are available to me?
- What are the various contacts and experts in the NW that can assist me and the differences?
- events / promoters
- trainers
- diet / nutrition
- posing
- judging
- contest prep coaches
- suits
- contest tanning
- photography
- sponsorships
- teams
- hair
- make/up
- What are the various expenses involved with competing?
- How much time do I need?
- Exercise program design & monitor
- Posing, elements of competing, hiding weakness, showcase strengths
- Peaking for the show….final weeks, final week, final days, the day of competition, (diet, training program)
- Optimal: 4-5 mo pre-contest, & 1-2 mo post contest diet coaching. No less than 3 months unless we talk about it and approved. No discounts for less prep time, its actually more work on both of our parts.Learn skills and various tools to properly assess and make an unbiased self-evaluation of the changes you will need to make in your physique to be contest ready.
- Manage your offseason diet and training with the purpose of optimizing organ functions, hormone balances and in turn muscular gains and fat loss.
- Set yourself up for a successful pre-contest diet that empowers you with the knowledge and ability to effectively manage sticking points. Learn multiple interventions to break through these sticking points.
- What should you be doing 6 weeks out? 3, 2 & 1 week out, as well as the day of the show.
- Learn what you should be doing those last days of contest prep in terms of diet, training, and hydration.
- Following the contest, you should be able to properly assess many metabolic functions and have a systematic plan to restore any imbalances and deficiencies.
- Design weight training & cardiovascular training programs to coincide with various phases of your diet.
- Posing tips and guidance
- Learn how to peak right every time without the use of diuretics and dramatic fluid shifts, drastic and unsafe, electrolyte imbalances.
- Take the guesswork out of “Carb loading”
$49.99 Click Here to REGISTER NOW
Open posing class/practice: $25 DATE / Time / Location: Check registration page for the list of upcoming dates, time & locations. Click here to view registration page.
Total Body Transformation Kit- Phase One – Protein and Detox/Cleanse Kit – Plus free bonus items: – Altered Image Supplements – (Kit includes: 2lbs Chocolate Protein Powder, 2 lbs Vanilla Protein Powder, Max Detox,Coolon Sweep, Chlorella, Thermo-Alert, Printed and digital copy of the book “Get On Point”, 12 issue digital subscription to NW Fitness Magazine, One single printed issue of NW Fitness Magazine. $ 150.00
Digital eBook – Contest Prep Success Guide – eBook digital download. $ 1.99
Paperback Book – Contest Prep Success Guide – eBook digital download. $ 9.99
Gourmet Blend Protein Powder – 2-pound bag. By Altered Image Supplements Promotes lean muscle & strength Supports recovery Mixes well & Tastes great Flavor options (chocolate or vanilla ) $ 39.99
Thermo-Alert By Altered Image Supplements Thermogenic fat burner for boosting energy levels, raising your metabolism $ 29.99
Stamina-Elite By Altered Image Supplements Train harder, longer, more focused, and recover faster. $ 29.99
NW Fit Club – Join Free -Subscribe to receive articles, tips, reminders, and videos, via email from Jeremy Williams: Health, fitness, nutrition, meal prep, cooking, training, motivation, and success principles. 0.00